Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One Down, 11 to Go

Sunday was Big Girl's birthday party. She turned 5 last Thursday, and we celebrated with nearly a dozen of her friends at our house. They ate cake, played outside, and in general had a riproaring good time.

I, however, came down with a cold.

The last kid had barely left the house when I felt it come on. That first sneeze told me I'd better break out the neti pot and honey, which I did in short order, all to no avail. So now, in addition to the thrown-out back, the injured leg and the torn something-or-other in my heel, I have a killer head cold.

The only upside is that today, in between bouts of fitful sleeping, coughing, sneezing and neti-potting, I managed to finish my Aran Accent Vest from the Patons "Cables" booklet:

I must admit, I'm very, very proud of myself for reworking the pattern to do it in the round with steeks. I followed Eunny Jang's tutorial for crocheted steeks, and they turned out marvelously well. The inside is so neat and tidy! In the end, the vest is just a tad large at the shoulders. I probably should have followed the size M instructions for the front but the size S for the back. No matter, though. It's good enough and I'm wearing it as-is tomorrow when I go back to work.
It's my first of 12 completed for IntSweMoDo 2010, the KAL on rav that's a takeoff on the writing competition where you write a novel in a month. Only for this, you knit 12 sweaters in 12 months.

It's April, and I've just finished my first of 12 sweaters for the year 2010.

There might just be a chance that I won't get them all done in time.

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