Thursday, January 04, 2007

Photos At Last!

So, I've finally gotten off my lazy ass and taken some photos. Here's a shot of my fitted bog jacket. It doesn't look like much just yet, but watch out -- this is going to be gorgeous when finished!

And here's my Bubbly pretty I plan to make 2 more, one for each window in the bathroom (this one will go in the kitchen).

Not pictured: the Mason-Dixon Warshrag I had to frog three freakin' times because I'm a total dolt and clearly cannot be trusted with a simple pattern. The warshrag was going to be my "knitting for loved ones" project (which I think I'll rename "knitting for others" to also cover knitting for a cause, knitting for swap partners, etc), but to avoid any potential unpleasantness (such as having to stab myself in the eye with a dpn if I manage to screw this up yet again), it might just have to wait. Besides, Bubbly and Bog are keeping me nicely busy, even if they're not quite as portable as a chenille warshrag would be.

At least they won't land me in the hospital...the Knitting Goddess willing, that is.


Jeremy said...

Your making progress. I can't wait to see both finished. Each reminds me of projects I have tucked away. Your jacket because of the Manos reminds me of the color block afghan which I am using manos, that is half done. Then your bubbly curtain reminds me of the yarn I bought at Stitches to make a curtain using the MD scribbling technique. Some Day!

Yesterday and today I am going through my stash and UFOs to see what I come up with. Maybe it will prevent me from submitting that Knitpicks order I keep adding to.

Anonymous said...

i read your post on the MD-KAL... i hate it when that happens! maybe you just need to walk away from it for a few days and make a fresh start later... ?

can't wait to see your projects when they're done! : )

p.s. your comment about my luck made me laugh out loud! i do seem to be on a bit of a lucky streak...